Piaggio Aero presenta il nuovo Hi.Tech. option package per il P.180 Avanti II: nasce la versione P.180 Avanti
Ginevra, 19 Maggio 2008: Piaggio Aero lancia all’EBACE 2008 una nuova opzione per un allestimento interno del P180 Avanti II con accessori tecnologici all’avanguardia, il P.180 Avanti
Celebre per la sua cabina, la più spaziosa e confortevole tra i velivoli della sua categoria, l’Avanti II sarà da oggi dotato di optional tecnologici d'avanguardia offrendo ai passeggeri maggior comfort e implementati business service. L’Avanti definisce un nuovo riferimento tecnologico per gli aerei del suo segmento, posizionandosi al massimo livello di innovazione, comfort ed efficienza di cabina.
Elegante e funzionale, l’Avanti soddisfa tutte le aspettative dei passeggeri più esigenti, fornendo accessori innovativi ed esclusivi ad uso business e flight entrateinement.
“Abbiamo voluto celebrare il grande successo del più elegante e confortevole aereo per l'aviazione affari rendendolo ancora più efficente”, spiega Giuliano Felten, Direttore Commerciale Piaggio Aero "è nostra abitudine cercare di offrire sempre il massimo ai nostri clienti, prevedendo e soddisfacendo le loro aspettative.
“il pacchetto opzionale ad alta tecnologia .it ha un nome mutuato da Internet, per noi significa Information Technology ed Italian Technology ed è esattamente ciò di cui abbiamo ulteriormente dotato il nostro velivolo: alta tecnologia in cabina al servizio di chi lavora e dell'intrateinment di bordo, migliorando ancora l'abitabilità il comfort e l'efficenza della straordinaria cabina del P.180 Avanti II, la più ampia e spaziosa di questo segmento."
L’Avanti è il risultato di un complesso lavoro tecnici e designer di Piaggio Aero, in stretta cooperazione con i partner tecnologici. "Abbiamo completato un'altra missione creando un nuovo ambiente lussuoso ed efficente e combinando al meglio l’ineguagliabile stile del P.180 Avanti II con una ancor più elevata funzionalità”.
L’allestimento P.180 Avanti include i seguenti sistemi:
.it: Broadband connectivity
Specifically designed around business travellers who need to stay connected, the integrated voice and data service enhances passengers and flight crew productivity, offering a new level of cabin communications capability.
This exclusive new system allows the passengers to work with the e-mail, surf the Web, tap into an office network and stay current on the latest news, all at typical DSL broadband speed. Passengers and crew can use their own 802.11b/g-equipped Wi-Fi data devices such as laptops, PDAs, BlackBerry’s®.
Passengers can forget battery shortages, since any portable electronic device can be powered by the universal AC power outlets in the cabin. Broadband data service providers supported are Aircell’s ground-based broadband system Worldwide coverage Immarsat Swift Broadband and Iridium Satcom channels.
.it: IFE - In Flight Entertainment System
At the center of the entertainment system is Rosen’s new RosenView VX combo unit: a world-wide moving map, region-free DVD player, XM radio receiver (North American coverage only) and audio/video switching system contained in one small rugged unit.
With the RosenView VX, passengers can follow the progress of their flight, watch a DVD, listen to their preferred music (MP3 formats supported), or plug in their favorite hand-held audio/video device for their viewing and audio pleasure. Moving map information and video are displayed on two 7” sidewall mounted LCDs and one 10” flip down LCD monitor mounted on the forward cabin ceiling.The hi-fi audio passenger system includes personal wireless headset and top quality loudspeakers with subwoofers.
.it: Mood Lighting System
The Mood Lighting System features intensity and color temperature adjustable LED lights (full color spectrum capability), providing for a huge number of color combinations for upwash and downwash cabin lighting and giving the ability to transition among the colors for different environment scenarios.
The mood LED lights can be adjusted by the passengers through 3 control panels in the cabin (one in the forward partition and two besides the aft seats). The result is a new perception for the passenger, enhancing their comfort and relaxation.
.it: Electrochromic Window Shades
The electrochromic window shades bring to the P.180 Avanti II class of aircraft a further step toward the sophistication, shaping a blend of industrial design, futuristic high technology and functionality. This technology allows each passenger to control/blind the light transmitted through his window utilizing a dimmer located next to the passenger seat.
The Avanti II offers the most spaciousness and comfortable cabin in its class with features that can only be found in aircraft costing more than twice as much. The cabin is six feet one inch wide and five feet nine inches tall. The cabin also sets new standards in terms of quietness and smoothness. The Avanti II cabin is rated as low as 65 SIL dB (Speech Interference Level); quieter than any other business aircraft in its class. The pusher engines direct sound toward the tail of the aircraft, leaving the Avanti II’s cabin virtually free of power plant noise.
The P.180 Avanti II interiors features, among other improvements, redesigned passenger service units with LED upwash and downwash lighting; custom cabinetry, sideledges, and lavatory module; as well as a wide range of trim and finishing materials. All design aspects from the cup holders to the bezels on the light switches and ordinance signs were custom designed for the Avanti II.
Il P.180 Avanti la tua personal Business Lounge nei cieli.
Celebre per la sua cabina, la più spaziosa e confortevole tra i velivoli della sua categoria, l’Avanti II sarà da oggi dotato di optional tecnologici d'avanguardia offrendo ai passeggeri maggior comfort e implementati business service. L’Avanti definisce un nuovo riferimento tecnologico per gli aerei del suo segmento, posizionandosi al massimo livello di innovazione, comfort ed efficienza di cabina.
Elegante e funzionale, l’Avanti soddisfa tutte le aspettative dei passeggeri più esigenti, fornendo accessori innovativi ed esclusivi ad uso business e flight entrateinement.
“Abbiamo voluto celebrare il grande successo del più elegante e confortevole aereo per l'aviazione affari rendendolo ancora più efficente”, spiega Giuliano Felten, Direttore Commerciale Piaggio Aero "è nostra abitudine cercare di offrire sempre il massimo ai nostri clienti, prevedendo e soddisfacendo le loro aspettative.
“il pacchetto opzionale ad alta tecnologia .it ha un nome mutuato da Internet, per noi significa Information Technology ed Italian Technology ed è esattamente ciò di cui abbiamo ulteriormente dotato il nostro velivolo: alta tecnologia in cabina al servizio di chi lavora e dell'intrateinment di bordo, migliorando ancora l'abitabilità il comfort e l'efficenza della straordinaria cabina del P.180 Avanti II, la più ampia e spaziosa di questo segmento."
L’Avanti è il risultato di un complesso lavoro tecnici e designer di Piaggio Aero, in stretta cooperazione con i partner tecnologici. "Abbiamo completato un'altra missione creando un nuovo ambiente lussuoso ed efficente e combinando al meglio l’ineguagliabile stile del P.180 Avanti II con una ancor più elevata funzionalità”.
L’allestimento P.180 Avanti include i seguenti sistemi:
.it: Broadband connectivity
Specifically designed around business travellers who need to stay connected, the integrated voice and data service enhances passengers and flight crew productivity, offering a new level of cabin communications capability.
This exclusive new system allows the passengers to work with the e-mail, surf the Web, tap into an office network and stay current on the latest news, all at typical DSL broadband speed. Passengers and crew can use their own 802.11b/g-equipped Wi-Fi data devices such as laptops, PDAs, BlackBerry’s®.
Passengers can forget battery shortages, since any portable electronic device can be powered by the universal AC power outlets in the cabin. Broadband data service providers supported are Aircell’s ground-based broadband system Worldwide coverage Immarsat Swift Broadband and Iridium Satcom channels.
.it: IFE - In Flight Entertainment System
At the center of the entertainment system is Rosen’s new RosenView VX combo unit: a world-wide moving map, region-free DVD player, XM radio receiver (North American coverage only) and audio/video switching system contained in one small rugged unit.
With the RosenView VX, passengers can follow the progress of their flight, watch a DVD, listen to their preferred music (MP3 formats supported), or plug in their favorite hand-held audio/video device for their viewing and audio pleasure. Moving map information and video are displayed on two 7” sidewall mounted LCDs and one 10” flip down LCD monitor mounted on the forward cabin ceiling.The hi-fi audio passenger system includes personal wireless headset and top quality loudspeakers with subwoofers.
.it: Mood Lighting System
The Mood Lighting System features intensity and color temperature adjustable LED lights (full color spectrum capability), providing for a huge number of color combinations for upwash and downwash cabin lighting and giving the ability to transition among the colors for different environment scenarios.
The mood LED lights can be adjusted by the passengers through 3 control panels in the cabin (one in the forward partition and two besides the aft seats). The result is a new perception for the passenger, enhancing their comfort and relaxation.
.it: Electrochromic Window Shades
The electrochromic window shades bring to the P.180 Avanti II class of aircraft a further step toward the sophistication, shaping a blend of industrial design, futuristic high technology and functionality. This technology allows each passenger to control/blind the light transmitted through his window utilizing a dimmer located next to the passenger seat.
The Avanti II offers the most spaciousness and comfortable cabin in its class with features that can only be found in aircraft costing more than twice as much. The cabin is six feet one inch wide and five feet nine inches tall. The cabin also sets new standards in terms of quietness and smoothness. The Avanti II cabin is rated as low as 65 SIL dB (Speech Interference Level); quieter than any other business aircraft in its class. The pusher engines direct sound toward the tail of the aircraft, leaving the Avanti II’s cabin virtually free of power plant noise.
The P.180 Avanti II interiors features, among other improvements, redesigned passenger service units with LED upwash and downwash lighting; custom cabinetry, sideledges, and lavatory module; as well as a wide range of trim and finishing materials. All design aspects from the cup holders to the bezels on the light switches and ordinance signs were custom designed for the Avanti II.
Il P.180 Avanti la tua personal Business Lounge nei cieli.